Saturday, November 7, 2009


Here are some photos looking out from the top of Crown Hill over the years.

This first picture is facing north from Crown Hill in 1887. The Witmer family's Second Street trolley is at the intersection of Lakeshore (now Glendale Blvd.)and 2nd Street, heading east toward downtown. A grocery store and real estate office stand on the corners.  Click on any of the picture to see them large:

This next photo shows the Pacific Electric Red Car exiting the tunnel beneath Crown Hill at 2nd Street and heading north up Glendale Blvd in the late 1930s.

And here is the same intersection about ten years later, facing east from Crown Hill. 
The Beverly Bridge was a WPA project built in 1942. It allowed 1st Street traffic to overpass 2nd Street and Glendale Blvd where the Red Car train exited the tunnel (notice the tracks): 

This is a view of downtown Los Angeles facing south east from Crown Hill in 1973:

Many of the people who walk the streets of Crown Hill today don't know it's history.  When asked where they live, some say "near Echo Park," "Westlake," or "downtown."  

The name Crown Hill may have been forgotten by most, but this area has played a very important role in the history of Los Angeles which cannot be erased.

1 comment:

  1. "Its," not "It's" (as in "it is).

    SECOND PHOTO-WRONG! This photo was taken in the very late 1940s or very early 1950s. Cars in this number series did not exist until then.

    THIRD PHOTO-WRONG! The tracks were removed in the early to mid-1950s.
