Friday, November 13, 2009


Columbia Place is a California apartment building that was constructed in 1923 for people who wanted to live and work near downtown Los Angeles.

At the time Columbia Place was built, there were electric trains that ran up and down the street, making it easy to reach jobs in downtown without a car.

Here is an old postcard showing the electric trains running through downtown.  We used to have the most extensive train system in the world!

Owning an auto was still only a fantasy for most people in the 1920s, so being within easy reach of employment was important.  The trains are long gone now, replaced by cars and freeways, but downtown is still just a hop skip and jump away!

The architecture of Columbia Place is unique to the west coast.  It is one of the only "walk-up" style townhouses built in Los Angeles.  There are three rows of two-story flats with path ways between.

The neighborhood here is very diverse and home to residents from all walks of life.  It's a community where people know each other and say hello when they pass by.

Downtown Los Angeles went through a rough time in the 80s and 90s and is currently in the midst of a revival along with adjacent areas like Echo Park.

Below is a short documentary from 2007 about the neighborhood.  It features Ray Vatia, a life long resident of Crown Hill.  Parts of the video show the inside courtyard of Columbia place which used to have many empty "bank owned" apartments. Over the past few years, the majority of these townhouses have since been purchased and restored.

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